When Attorneys Commingle Funds With Clients
Managing client funds is a complex task that leaves many attorneys wondering about their rights and obligations. When a client’s funds become inadvertently or purposely mixed with the attorney’s business account or personal funds, it is known as commingling of funds.
The State Bar of California has strict rules over the managing of client funds and imposes harsh disciplinary measures against lawyers who commingle their clients’ funds.
Common examples of commingling of funds include:
- Depositing a client’s check for legal fees and filing fees into the same account
- Keeping personal funds in a client trust account
- Failing to keep an individual ledger for each client
If you have questions or concerns about how to properly manage your clients’ funds, the attorneys at Century Law Group, LLP, can provide you with knowledgeable practice management advice and counsel. If you are facing disciplinary proceedings due to alleged commingling of client funds, we can provide you with the strong state bar defense representation you need.
Representing Clients In Los Angeles, San Diego And Statewide
If you are seeking experienced representation for an attorney discipline hearing in California, our lawyers are here for you. Contact us by email or by telephone at 310-693-6097 to arrange a consultation with a knowledgeable lawyer at our firm.